Sunday, December 20, 2009

For the love of Rudolph!

In fact, Sydney would love to be him...I bought her these cute antlers and the first thing she does is go paint her face...she did this all by herself.

This is sad Rudolph when the others were making fun of him.

My daughter is seldom bored thanks to her fabulous imagination. She and Robin's kids were playing Polar Express all through the house the other day. Sydney loves her computer games and movies but what she loves the most is to play and pretend and that makes Christmas magical for me.

I hope everyone is finished shopping and enjoying the week.  I know for some, it isn't Christmas if they aren't scurrying around at the last minute...I'm not one of them.


  1. Such an imagination! And what a great job on the makeup!!!

    Your tree looks fabulous!!!

  2. I finished my shopping, too. Now it's just wrapping and enjoying! The first year I've been this efficient. So glad!
    Sydney is such a silly girl! Love the makeup.
